Monday 29 April 2013

The significance of Richard Parker in The Life of Pi

Would Pi have survived if there wasn't any Richard Parker?

No. It's a paradox, if you think about it.  It's like the common saying "When you help others you help yourself". Keeping himself away from the tiger and at the same time trying to keep Richard Parker alive drew most of Pi's attention away from the fact that he might never leave the hazardous sea.

Even if Pi did survive without the tiger, he wouldn't be sane.

Can't believe I didn't think of this earlier. :p Was just ruminating about how to give someone hope or at least, to steer their focus away from their troubles when I thought of this.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Coral Painter Pieces 6, 7 and 8

On the Battle Field

Ghost town

Winter Jack..... I mean Jack Frost.
Hey guys I'd appreciate a "follow" or a Google + if you like my content :) Cheers and have a good day!

Sunday 14 April 2013

Thursday 28 March 2013

Corel Painter 12

My third piece. I'm more confident with my strokes now, using the tablet.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Positivity Desiderata

Hmm..all in good time I guess. Not as productive as I thought, but I'm progressing albeit slowly, but indubitably surely. Stay focused. Adopt positivity.

Does everything in Life Happen because it needed to happen? Thought of the Week. 

Thetan. A thetan is the term for the source of Life, based on Scientology. Some transcendental being or understanding revolving around the whole universe. What are the rules of life? Sure, life is unpredictable, but not unanalyzable. I'm not a Nazi or anything, but was wondering, could the Jews have invented something that could have caused an apocalypse? We should know that technology shouldn't make advancements that our maturity can't handle. 

But anyway, I don't want to get involved in politics and history and all those sensitive contingencies  and the likes. So I apologize if anyone is offended by the above post ^. I'm just using that as an example to the question I was asking, applying the Chaotic Attractor and such. You know, like if Abraham Lincoln didn't succeed in freeing the slaves, another person would have came along and did what needed to be done, wouldn't they?

Then there's the multiverse theory. If we integrate that theory to the problem asked, among other solutions, I think we'd have something gold.
Btw, I believe in God.

End of Rant. 
Have a great day and stay happy! :)

Tuesday 19 March 2013

How silly of me!! {Deleted my previous story outline post}

oh gosh how silly of me. I just posted a huge spoiler lol.

 I was working on my book a little today when it hit me that anyone who read my post already know the ending ;l

Haha!! So I deleted it. However, there will be major changes and plenty of added content so well I guess it's all right. And I mean MAJOR changes.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

my maya and photoshop won't install

pretty sad about this glitch. disrupting my learning curve.
Displacement is a little off. I'm not very good at this though. Pretty much amateurish. But I enjoy rendering :D

Saturday 2 March 2013

I've briefly outlined about 10 plots in my head..and haven't got a clue on which to start first.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

How's your new year going so far, everyone? Let's hope that this year's going to be better than the last. :)
Now here are some pics that I did last November. 
Yup, this is another sketch on Peter Pan. 

Just thinking of pollution

Tis a thinking sort of man xD

Every gamer's incentive-Save Points or "checkpoints"

some sort of weapon Algorithm 

Hands and steel.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

The Evolution of Characters in Gaming

Hey remember when video games were thought of as nothing more than a child's hobby? This idea was only reinforced by the immaturity of the industry, as it was constantly bombarding us with busty women who's character were that of a simple baboon wearing two pieces that shouldn't even be called "clothing". Unfortunately, though not surprisingly, these overrated women always draw more attention than the occasionally well designed and far more interesting female characters who wear actual clothes and aren't so weirdly proportioned. 

Oh well...
Hmm, see the difference?

Also, after the eminent disappointment of finding out that broShep was going to take central stage instead of femShep in the upcoming Mass Effect movie, I'm just saying, I'm sure we'll all a little tired of white guys with hardly any difference in their personality and looks being the main protagonists of video games (and movies, for that matter).

I mean look

"our mom gave birth to legends"

Then there's Naughty Dog's The Last of Us
can't wait....

I can't wait for THAT. Reminds me a little of The Walking Dead, though.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not picky about video game protagonists. But after years of gaming, we do expect a little improvements in character development. We don't wanna feel like we're playing the same guy in every game right? Tough white guy with hard outer shell and tender inner flesh. Topped with the buzz cut that suddenly made it's appearance everywhere.
Just a side note, next time anyone makes a game, please give your character some distinct and unique hair. Also, with the ever increasing population of female gamers, big busted shallow babes who sound like pikachu and wear skimpy outfits shouldn't be encouraged. (Unless it's some sidelines sorta character.)

Okay, that's all! Thanks for your time!...Man, gotta think of some topics to make this Blog interesting :p Any ideas on what you'd like me to write about?